A little about me...
My name is "Kaaotick" and it is my mission and goal to make gaming into a more social, positive, and fun environment.
I love the challenge of pushing the boundaries of skill and trying to perform at the best of my abilities. From catching Pokémon in the OG Red/Blue versions to working full-time and raising a family, I always want to feel motivated to do better and achieve more. I can attribute a lot of this to my childhood growing up. From a young age I've loved video games and the sense of competition that came with leaderboards. I would always push myself to be the best no matter what it was. School was a way to connect with friends and learn about new games.
I began playing World of Warcraft shortly after it came out in 2004. I've played it sporadically off/on throughout the expansions, really getting back into it at the end of Legion. Eventually this lead to be beginning streaming on Twitch and YouTube back in 2018.
I started playing League of Legends back around Season 7. I mostly play the Support role and off-role as either Top or Jungle. This season (12) I'm aiming at climbing to high Silver or Gold in ranked solo queue. My main pick has been Blitzcrank, but I'm trying to understand more champions for better game knowledge.